Gamecentric is a developer with 20+ years of experience in video games production. From small 8-bit consoles, to mobile devices, to the latest hardware, Gamecentric has collaborated to several published projects, including AAA titles like Beyond Good & Evil and Splinter Cell Double Agent (Ubisoft) and VR titles like Theseus (Forge Reply). The latest published project, Foreclosed (AntabStudio), has been released on eight different plaforms: PS4/PS5, XBX/XSX, Switch, Stadia, Steam and Epic Games. Having seen all aspects of the production, from concept to release and with a great focus on multiplatform development, Gamecentric offers middleware solutions, porting, consulting and training services.

GC FSM Plugin for Unreal® Engine
Event-driven, hierarchical finite state machines in blueprints
Our first plugin for Unreal® Engine. It will be available soon on the Unreal Marketplace.